Armed Forces Day Photos
Year 2000
50th Anniversary Photo Archive
This photo archive features pictures and documents relating to celebration of Armed Forces Day during the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of Armed Forces Day. Click on the image to view a high resolution version of this photograph

OFFICIAL POSTER - Designed by Air Force Master Sergeant Doug OFFICIAL SEAL - A special circular design was also created
Sanderson, this poster was reproduced around the world to help the to add flexibility to event promotion. (AFD-2000)
military celebrate the 50th anniversary of its special day. (AFD-2000)

OFFICIAL SEAL IN B/W- A black and white version of the official OFFICIAL SEAL FOR HATS - Special seal developed from
seal was also created to add flexibility to event promotion. (AFD-2000) original design to fit embroidered hats. (AFD-2000)

OTHER MATERIAL - Litter bags, book marks and kitchen magnets SPECIAL COIN - A unique design was developed for minting
using an alternate design added to festivities in the national capitol special 50th Anniversary of Armed Forces Day coins.
region. (AFD-2000) (AFD-2000)
SPECIAL TREATMENT - In honor of Armed Forces Day, the U.S. ANDREWS ARTWORK - A special design for the Joint Service
Post Office offered unique cachet stamp cancellations throughout Open House at Andrews AFB depicts joint cooperation among
Armed Forces Week. (AFD-2000) the military services. (AFD-2000)
HAWAII'S SALUTE - A special newspaper edition thanking the DISTINGUISHED LINEUP - President Clinton joins Secretary of
military for service to the nation was distributed throughout Hawaii Defense William S. Cohen, Secretary of Transportation Rodney E.
by a grateful publisher and advertisers. (AFD-2000) Slater, former senator and astronaut John Glenn, and General Henry
H. Shelton, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during opening

YOU SEE THAT? - President Bill Clinton joins a young guest SEA SERVICES CHIEFS - Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jay
for a memorable photograph during opening ceremonies at the Johnson, Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James L. Jones
Andrews AFB Joint Service Open House. (AFD-2000) and Commandant of the Coast Guard Adm. James M. Loy confer
during opening ceremonies at the Andrews AFB Joint Service Open House. (AFD-2000)

FOLLOW ME! - Master Sgt. John R. Barclay, drum major of VIEWING DISPLAY - Pentagon employees check out the new six-
"The Presidents Own," leads the Marine Corps ceremonial band panel 50th Anniversary display at the conclusion of the dedication
during opening ceremonies at Joint Service Open House at ceremony. A seventh panel, depicting 2000 events (AFD-2000)
Andrews AFB, Maryland. (AFD-2000)
MAKING IT OFFICIAL - Deputy Postmaster General John Nolan ENJOYING A DINNER - Guest of the 440th Airlift Wing and
joins General Richard B. Myers, Vice-Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Wisconsin Club enjoy a 50th anniversary dinner in Milwaukee.
in cutting the ribbon officially opening the 50th Anniversary panel (AFD-2000)
display in the Pentagon. (AFD-2000)
I WANNA BE LIKE YOU - A 440th Security Forces Squadron MOONLIGHT BOOGIE - Dancers young and old cut a rug at the
member applies camouflage face makeup to a youngster enjoying "Moonlight Hanger Dance" at Charleston Air Force Base, SC.
military displays at General Mitchell International Airport and Air (AFD- 2000)
Reserve Station in Milwaukee. (AFD-2000)
ALL RISE FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM! - A U.S. Navy I CAN DRIVE THIS! - Checking out a HUMVEE at Tobyhanna Army
Ceremonial Band plays the National Anthem at pre-gameDepot, PA is these prospective road warriors. (AFD-2000)
festivities at the P&C Stadium in Syracuse, NY. (AFD-2000)
ADVANCING FORTH - Marine reservists demonstrate their combat BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL - Members of the Veterans of Foreign
skills at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ. (AFD-2000) Wars march by the reviewing stand at the annual Torrance, CA
parade. (AFD- 2000)
READY TO SERVE - Youngsters in uniform stand in front of 50th SHARING EXPERIENCES - A sailor shares experiences with guests
anniversary posters during celebrations at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ. visiting the U.S.S. Inchon at Ingleside, TX. (AFD-2000)
THANKS! - A parade onlooker thanks the military for participating in CAN WE HAVE A RIDE? - Youngsters learn about a C-130 Hercules
the Torrance, CA parade. (AFD-2000 aircraft from a 440th Airlift Wing loadmaster at General Mitchell
International Airport and Air Reserve Station in Milwaukee.
DAD, CAN I TAKE IT HOME WITH ME?! - A youngster enjoys TAKING A BITE - A young guest can hardly wait for aerial
military armored vehicles at Ft. Detrick, MD. (AFD-2000) demonstrations to begin at the Andrews AFB Joint Service Open
House. (AFD-2000)
FIFE AND DRUM - Civil War reenactors march and play during GOTCHA! - Andros, the 788th Ordnance Company (Explosive
Armed Forces Day festivities at Tooele Army Depot, UT. (AFD-2000) Ordnance Disposal) robot entertains crowds at Ft. McCoy, WI.
JAMMIN' WITH THE BEST - Internationally-known drummer Steve PARADING THE COLORS - Members of a U.S. Navy Ceremonial
Smith, formerly of the rock band "Journey," lends his tempo to Air Team proudly dip the colors and offer salutes while passing the
Force Shades of Blue jazz band playing in Belleville, IL. (AFD-2000) reviewing stand at Chattanooga, Tennessee's 50th Anniversary of
Armed Forces Day Parade. (AFD-2000)
READY, SET, JUMP! - Members of the Army's world-renowned WHAT A SHOW! - Aerial view depicts some of the 850,000 people
Golden Knights parachute demonstration team get ready to thrill that attended Joint Service Open House festivities at Andrews AFB.
audiences at the Andrews AFB Joint Service Open House. (AFD-2000) (AFD-2000)
HANGING ON - Marines demonstrate helicopter evacuation FIREPOWER MEETS PEOPLE POWER - Eager crowds climb all
procedures at the Joint Service Open House, Andrews AFB, over the Army's main battle tank at the Andrews AFB Joint Service
Maryland. (AFD- 2000) Open House. (AFD-2000)
SPECTACULAR FEATS - The Navy's Blue Angels Aerial STANDING TALL AND PROUD - Members of the Air Force's
Demonstration Team performs a breathtaking demonstration for Thunderbirds Aerial Demonstration Team get ready to launch aircraft
visitors at the Andrews AFB Joint Service Open House. (AFD-2000) at the Andrews AFB Joint Service Open House. (AFD-2000)